By adding Above Ground Storage Tank Repair and construction to our list of capabilities we can offer our customers a more turn key approach to their facility needs. We offer highly effective and proven management and highly skilled craftsmen that provides our customers the safety, quality, and performance needed for a successful project. Our tank group touts decades of field experience along with employees certified by the American Petroleum Institute and the American Welding Society.
New Tanks
Dry Product storage
Cone Roofs
repair, retrofit, and re rate
hydro exemptions
Tank Foundations
Ring Walls
Pad Pier
Driven Piles
Tank Bottoms
Lap Patches
Partial or Complete Bottom Replacement
Double Bottoms
Leak Detection
Cathodic Protection
Tank Shells
Partial or complete shell ring replacement
Partial or complete wind girder replacement
Complete design/drawing packages for API-650/620/AWWA
Insert or lap patch repairs
Buckling/deformation repairs
Appurtenance modification, repair, or renew
Hot Taps
Cone/dome Roofs
Safe roof analysis
Partial or complete roof replacement
Partial or complete structure replacement
Appurtenance modification, repair, or renew
Vent Analysis
Floating Roofs
Lap Patches
Partial or complete replacement
Retro Fit
Appurtenance modification, repair, or renew
In service leak repair
Lap patch repair
Misc Tank repairs
Stairways, handrails, platforms
Rolling ladders fixed or self leveling repair/replacement